Creating web site with
1. To create a free account in weebly, click on the following button. 
2. Then you will be directed to the Weebly home page.
3. Then you will be taken to the weebly home page. Fill in the required fields and click sign up button.

4. To verify you are a man and not a computer program, you will be asked to enter the words correctly as shown. Make sure to leave a space between two words. 

5. Congratulations.! You have completed the registration successfully. To continue straightaway, enter a name for your web site. 

6.  Here i have put "Fantasy flora" as the title. Then you will be asked to choose a domain name. For now, enter a name and select "sub domain of". You can change this later, under "settings". Now the building of the site further, is up to you. I'm not going to tell you anything more than this. But Why? 

7. ... Because weebly has its own tutorials with illustrations, videos which is very simple to understand, even a kid can proceed with that. All you have to do is click on "Help", found top right side of the page.  
Please note that you are registered as a free user. Upgrade to "Pro" and experience more options for designing. 

8. The final step is to get a domain for your web site. You have three options. One is to get a sub domain of This is totally free and this will add to the end of your web site. Eg:
If you need a professional looking web site with a unique domain name, like or or, you can purchase that domain name for a very reasonable price. 
To get a new domain name, click on "settings". Then click your current address. 

9. That'll take you to the following form. Select the type of domain name and continue with billing.